HRF - Human Rights First
HRF stands for Human Rights First
Here you will find, what does HRF stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Human Rights First? Human Rights First can be abbreviated as HRF What does HRF stand for? HRF stands for Human Rights First. What does Human Rights First mean?Human Rights First is an expansion of HRF
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Alternative definitions of HRF
- Henry Reymond Fitzwalter
- Historic Race Finland
- Height-Range Finder
- Bitmap graphics (Hitachi Raster Format) (CADCore)
- Human Relief Foundation
- Healthcare Resources Foundation
- HollyRod Foundation
View 33 other definitions of HRF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HYP Half Yard Productions
- HVM Hotel Villa Magna
- HSFC Havering Sixth Form College
- HLC Huntington Learning Centers
- HDG Health Dimensions Group
- HSF Honeywell Security and Fire
- HFMG Health First Medical Group
- HET Humane Education Trust
- HBL Health Biotech Limited
- HBN Heritage Bank Na
- HBMC HB Mcclure Company
- HNB Hawaii National Bank
- HETBA HET Baken Almere
- HBHC Hospitality Board Holding Co.
- HCC Hunter Contracting Co.
- HHNYC Habitat for Humanity New York City
- HANUAS HAN University of Applied Sciences
- HCEC Hyundai Construction Equipment Company
- HBS Honeywell Building Solutions
- HAT Hospital Angeles de Tijuana